954.588.7881 aida@aidasanchez.com
"Aida was
great... I finally
got my dream
Ellen Burkes
About Me
Born in Colombia, one of 5 children, I immigrated to the US in 1972 in
search of the american dream. I'm a mother of two and grandmother of
four, my real estate knowledge and expertise dates back to 1986. Starting
in NYC I led a successful career in residential and commercial sales
and have out sold many of my counterparts. Paying close attention to my
clients needs was and still is paramount to my success. After my children
married and moved out of the house my husband and I decided to get
away form the cold and move to sunny Florida where I've lived and
practiced my real estate profession since 1996.
About Me
welcome to:
Aida Sanchez,
SJ Grant Realty, Inc.